Episode 85

Published on:

14th Apr 2022

Finding Life’s Purpose to Light up your Soul!

In this episode our special guest Janice Liski-Skinner owner of Enlighten your life. Janice shares the key to having and maintaining a positive mindset – and how you can start each day to set yourself up for success. She also explains manifestation and how we can utilize the law of attraction to get exactly what we want. You have been given this precious life to truly live your dreams – so don’t forget to check in from time to time to really understand what is it that your soul wants? 


About the Guest: 

Janice Liski-Skinner- is a speaker and mentor through her company Enlighten Your Life, in which she provides tools and support to shine a light on the path of others.  After spending over 30 years as a Nurse specializing in Labour and Delivery and the Emergency Department, Janice realized how much impact she could have even with a smile and kindness. So much so that she traveled as a missionary to Haiti. Here she truly saw what she always believed – mindset matters and creating the life one wants and deserves is possible.

Now it’s her mission to be the lighthouse for others that are ready to find the purpose in their life that will light up their soul!





Kalee Boisvert:

Welcome to the wealth and wellness podcast with

Kalee Boisvert:

me Kayleigh Bob air. I specialize in helping people to

Kalee Boisvert:

achieve their financial goals. I have a love for all things

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numbers, and I'm passionate about financial literacy. My

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goal is to spark healthy and positive conversations around

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wealth and investment and create a world where nobody is limited

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by their financial situation. But wealth is just one piece of

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the equation of living our best lives. So join me as we explore

Kalee Boisvert:

both wealth and wellness topics. From your net worth to your self

Kalee Boisvert:

worth. Get ready to take confident action. Hello, this is

Kalee Boisvert:

Kaylee and thank you so much for tuning in to this episode of the

Kalee Boisvert:

wealth and wellness podcast. I have a special guest on the

Kalee Boisvert:

podcast today. So excited for our conversation. Today I'm

Kalee Boisvert:

joined by Janice Lisicki Skinner, Janice is a speaker. I

Kalee Boisvert:

can't speak right now Janice is a speaker and mentor through her

Kalee Boisvert:

company enlighten your life, in which she provides tools and

Kalee Boisvert:

support to shine a light on the path of others. After spending

Kalee Boisvert:

30 years as a nurse specializing in labor and delivery and the

Kalee Boisvert:

emergency department, Jan has realized how much impact she

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could have. Even with a smile and kindness. So much. So she

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traveled as a missionary to Haiti. Here, she truly saw what

Kalee Boisvert:

she always believed that mindset matters, and creating the life

Kalee Boisvert:

one wants and deserves is possible. Now it's her mission

Kalee Boisvert:

to be the lighthouse for others that are ready to find their

Kalee Boisvert:

purpose in life. And that are ready to light up their soul. I

Kalee Boisvert:

love it.

Janice Liski-Skinner:

Thank you for having me. I really

Janice Liski-Skinner:

appreciate it.

Kalee Boisvert:

Yeah, thank you so much for being on the

Kalee Boisvert:

podcast, Janice. And I guess just to get started, can you

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share a little bit more about your journey? And what brought

Kalee Boisvert:

you to do this work that you're doing?

Janice Liski-Skinner:

Wow, there's a lot of steps that I

Janice Liski-Skinner:

can talk about. Like when I looked behind me, I was just

Janice Liski-Skinner:

like, Okay, there's so many steps. And I don't think it was

Janice Liski-Skinner:

one thing in particular that really got me here, it was all

Janice Liski-Skinner:

these little hundreds of little things that got me where I am

Janice Liski-Skinner:

today. I've always been about mindset, you know, you get to

Janice Liski-Skinner:

decide how your life turns out. And I was introduced to vision

Janice Liski-Skinner:

boards 30 years ago, and that was probably the thing that

Janice Liski-Skinner:

really got me on this path. One of them is just like creating

Janice Liski-Skinner:

this board or this vision. And when I first did it, I had no

Janice Liski-Skinner:

idea was talking about you want me Kyle, some pictures, tape

Janice Liski-Skinner:

that I like bring some pictures and paste them on the board.

Janice Liski-Skinner:

Okay, it was very therapeutic cutting and pasting. It's just

Janice Liski-Skinner:

like back in those craft days. But that was really the

Janice Liski-Skinner:

catalyst. I guess that is a start of how this started.

Janice Liski-Skinner:

Because I started putting things on this board and the first

Janice Liski-Skinner:

year, not so much. And next year, I added more. And then my

Janice Liski-Skinner:

husband did it with me the first year and I just continued it on.

Janice Liski-Skinner:

But I remember this one time I went back when you didn't have

Janice Liski-Skinner:

digital cameras. I went to this car dealership. And I asked the

Janice Liski-Skinner:

dealer to take a picture of my son who was only three in this

Janice Liski-Skinner:

Ford Explorer, this great explorer, and I'm like, This is

Janice Liski-Skinner:

what I want. And that and he's like, he's like kind of ticked

Janice Liski-Skinner:

annoyed that I wasn't bought actually buying and then when

Janice Liski-Skinner:

it's like whatever So did that, put it on my board and kind of

Janice Liski-Skinner:

forgot about because I do boards every year annually. And then I

Janice Liski-Skinner:

always refer back to what I did. And then I look back I'm like,

Janice Liski-Skinner:

Oh my gosh, I was so excited. We were actually driving the

Janice Liski-Skinner:

vehicle I've taken picture of my son and I and so I love

Janice Liski-Skinner:

manifesting. I love creating what I want in my life. So that

Janice Liski-Skinner:

was one of the first things I did. And that just led me to

Janice Liski-Skinner:

this journey of like sharing that passion. And helping people

Janice Liski-Skinner:

really realize like, whatever you want and deserve, you know,

Janice Liski-Skinner:

law of attraction, what you think about really does come

Janice Liski-Skinner:


Kalee Boisvert:

Yeah, and you can become it. I know I was on

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the panel at my work for like, I guess anyone interested in maybe

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becoming a financial advisor in the future. And that's kind of

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what I said at the end on like, if you want to do it, you'll do

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it. Like if you want to succeed if you really wanted to be on

Kalee Boisvert:

this career path. It will happen like it's it's as easy as that.

Kalee Boisvert:

I'm like, in a way like not as easy as that is in a sense of

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there's not like a journey and a process and you have to work

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towards it. But if you want on it and see yourself doing this,

Kalee Boisvert:

like, that's all you need, there's not this other criteria

Kalee Boisvert:

that you have to check all the boxes is just this decision. And

Kalee Boisvert:

that conscious decision of this is what I'm going to do. And

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sticking with that no matter what. So I very wholeheartedly

Kalee Boisvert:

agree with everything you're saying. And I love that. And

Kalee Boisvert:

you're right, more people need to know about this. So the work

Kalee Boisvert:

you're doing is so powerful. So thank you for doing that work.

Kalee Boisvert:

So you said about positive mindset and mindset? And can we

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talk a little bit about that, then, like, I think anyone can

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benefit from positive mindset. And there's a lot going on

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around us externally right now. So maintaining or having a

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positive mindset. These are sometimes the challenging times

Kalee Boisvert:

to get ourselves in into that. Can you talk a little bit about,

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you know, how do we get ourselves there? How do we

Kalee Boisvert:

maintain that positive mindset?


You know, and so important, thank you, I really


liked speaking about that, you know, I really the clients that


I have had, and I talk about having non negotiables that,


like, no matter what you do them for me, when I get up in the


morning, are actually really before my feet hit the floor, I


say my own prayer to get my day going, right, it's how you start


your day is how your day is going to go, setting those


intentions for the day. And for me, my non negotiables is


reading, like personal development is a big thing.


Education doesn't stop after high school after secondary


school, it's a life of learning. And really, and finding a tribe


that is like minded, if you're, you're in that slump, and you


just want to get out. And there's a lot of negative


malaise or, you know, whatever you I don't watch the news. So


mainstream, like I don't watch anything that is going to lower


my vibration, I'm really about really, I just want to be so


excited about life, because life is great. It really is, right?


So the mindset and not to say I don't have those down days, but


it's those down days that I really reach out to my group of


people that I associate with, or just friends with, or I dive


into my spiritual reading, or I really go to meditation. And


that's been a big journey for me, is jumping into meditation


quieting the mind. COVID, like, coming into this last two years,


a lot of people have had time to reflect on what's important in


life. Right? So if we get to that mindset, it's just like,


okay, you know, life is good. It really is. I mean, you can go


down a rabbit hole and just be native all the time. But it's,


no, it's up to you, if you want to be positive, controlling


positive, right? Really, if it's to me, if it's to be, it's up to


me, right. And I mentioned before, one quote I really like


is living a life by choice or by chance. When we live a life by


choice, we're living in conscious action. And for living


a life by chance. It's a living a life of unconscious reaction,


like just going along the way, like, decide what you want your


day be like, and it's going to come that way. It really is,


your mindset are, we give more credit to a computer and the


brilliant set that has our own mind, our mind is amazing.


Amazing. So really, to answer your question, is this like,


personal development, reading, talking to friends, finding that


tribe that just like, you know, talks, your talk is like, you


know, we have to nourish our mind as much as we nourish our


body with food.

Kalee Boisvert:

Yeah, absolutely. So it's Yeah, being

Kalee Boisvert:

conscious of what's going in and what we're taking in. And we're,

Kalee Boisvert:

we're very less inclined to do that with Yeah, with our minds

Kalee Boisvert:

than with food, like we're very more aware of what we're eating

Kalee Boisvert:

and go absolutely, this might not be the healthiest option,

Kalee Boisvert:

but with our minds is like we let it all just come in, we're

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scrolling social media, and yeah, looking at news and other

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sources, and then all of a sudden finding like, I don't

Kalee Boisvert:

feel so great. Like I feel kind of down or, you know, anxious.

Kalee Boisvert:

And where's this coming from? And it's oftentimes coming from

Kalee Boisvert:

these external sources, and we don't even realize it because we

Kalee Boisvert:

haven't had it


right. Sometimes we look, when we're looking


externally, what we should be doing is looking internally,


really, we should be going back to self, right? The only person


we're really responsible to make happy is that person was seeing


our mirror in the mirror, right? When that person's happy, it


just overflows to everybody you meet. And look at the people


that you hang with. Are they someone that bring you up or


bring you down? Are they in your pity party, right? Are they


someone that's gonna pull you out and shine the light? So


that's really important to see and sometimes we have to let


those people go and I'm included like let go has been Really my


theme this year is like, letting go of those that you know, even


family members, unfortunately, just because you have the same


little bit of DNA going in, that doesn't mean that, you know,


we're all separate souls coming into this world, right? So we


have to just be honor ourselves, instead of trying to please


others, the only possible response to please is ourselves,


you know, coming from kindness and love. Always, always. Yeah,


and how other people receive us, you know, that's none of our


business is really is, you know, that's their stuff, not ours. So


take care of you first.

Kalee Boisvert:

Yeah, such an important reminder, it's so

Kalee Boisvert:

impactful for people to remember that, that you, yeah, you're the

Kalee Boisvert:

creator. And you get to decide, and you get to decide to the

Kalee Boisvert:

people in your life to like, you're right, we are, you know,

Kalee Boisvert:

very powerful in our mind is very powerful. And I don't think

Kalee Boisvert:

we give that enough credit. So really good reminders there. You

Kalee Boisvert:

said vision boards was a big impact and change in your

Kalee Boisvert:

trajectory? Can you talk a little bit about vision boards,

Kalee Boisvert:

it sounds like you do like a bit of kind of like a seminar

Kalee Boisvert:

session on them. So maybe kind of give a nice little overview

Kalee Boisvert:

of vision boards, the power of vision boards and what that

Kalee Boisvert:



Sure. I love them for a couple of reasons. Like they're


really good to kind of get to know if you want to go to one


city, right? You kind of got to know the map on how to get to


that city, right? You just can't aimlessly drive around and


wonder, Oh, I'm probably going the wrong way. So you have to


have that visual, right? Okay. This is a map that I want to


take in my life. What do you want in life? What gets you


excited in life? Why? What do you want, like in, you know,


whether it's your career, whether it's your spirituality,


whether it's your family, whether it's, you know,


vacations is like, put out, like, Okay, I want this dream


home, this is what it looks like. It has a wraparound porch,


it's like, you know, out in the country, like, there's lots of


room, you know, to run playgrounds for the grandkids,


everything, but you just don't put that picture on, you have to


have that. That visceral feeling inside yourself, just like oh,


my gosh, I can totally see the sunsets from there, and the sun


rises from the other side of the house, you just get it, and then


that it just comes to you. It's like law of gravity is a law of


attraction is as real as law of gravity. You throw something up,


it's coming down. Same thing, whatever you put out there, it


comes back. So if you can visualize that, and I help


people really tap in like, okay, when you're cutting and pasting


pictures, like, which picture should I put on? And I give them


a tool? Like just more connected kinesiology wise, just muscle


testing? Is this a picture? That the picture, what should I put


on there? Because you don't need hundreds of pictures of a bunch


of homes, right? You just picked that one or that car? Or you


know, and then I typically have two vision boards, one's


personal and one's business if there's, if you own your own


business, because the family members don't sometimes aren't


in your, in your business, right? So then you really want


to make that separately. Do you want passive income? Like, do


you want to be a speaker? Do you want to make an impact? Do you


want to travel? Like, what do you want to do in your business?


Or you want to, you know, be a money magnet, you know, whatever


you want to be? And then your personal Do you want like, the


love and kindness and living from living from a place of, you


know, giving back to people? Right? So there's two separate


ones. But I mean, not to say that you can't put it on one


board. But I like to keep them separate. So people can like,


and then really helping people see that board see and feel like


I said, in a visceral sense. And it's a daily thing that you're


connecting with that vision board, because you want to be


able to close your eyes and see it and believe it's gonna



Kalee Boisvert:

Absolutely. That yeah, that visualization how

Kalee Boisvert:

powerful that is. Because how many times have you Yeah,

Kalee Boisvert:

visualize something. And then yeah, you find yourself actually

Kalee Boisvert:

in that scenario, and it's just mind blowing. Like, it's almost

Kalee Boisvert:

like you already saw yourself there, and you already knew it

Kalee Boisvert:

was gonna happen.


Yeah, I've always seen myself speaking. I've always


seen like, like, for 30 years, when I started doing these


vision boards, it was a course I took it was called humans being


more and it was a three day workshop, basically learning


about this. And when you said about, you know, how we talked


earlier, just, you know, if you decide to do something, you just


do it, right. There's no try, you can't try and get a pen out


of your hand. If you either you get the pen out or you don't get


the pen out, right. There's no try. My son said, Isn't that


Yodas quote? I'm like, I don't know. Watch that. We so yeah, so


I I love what I do. I love sharing this part. Passion and


this mindset with people and get it across, you get to decide


what you want in your life. You deserve it.

Kalee Boisvert:

Yeah, it's that really empowering. Reminder,

Kalee Boisvert:

this is your life, like you get to live your dreams and what are

Kalee Boisvert:

those dreams? Like, take some time and do the dreaming and the

Kalee Boisvert:

thinking and, and that's what the vision board really lets you

Kalee Boisvert:

do. Like he lets that that more of that imagination and where do

Kalee Boisvert:

I want to be start coming when


we were children? We dreamed someone when an adult


would say what do you want to be when you grow up? I'm going to


be an astronaut. I'm gonna be a teacher and and an adult user


would feed on that and help you visualize and dream that right?


And then we lost that. So I believe this is really an art


that should be brought in, you know, in teenage years, like


before they get on school, what do you want in life? Right? How


do they No, like my son once said, my my three sons are 3028


and 26. And, you know, when my oldest turned 18, he said, Mom,


yesterday, I had to get permission from you to do


something today. I don't I have no idea what to do. Right? So we


have to give them this tool, this skill of creating the life


they want. Right? Seeing what what do you want to do? Right?


My second son, he's like, the fuel that set his fire of


manifesting. What if he was like, was a teacher saying you


can't go anywhere unless you have secondary education? Well,


he didn't. He's not he was not the academic guy. Right. But


I'll tell you everything he set his mind on. Like, he's a peace


officer. He's getting married. He everything he wants. He's


manifesting. And Matt, like, manifestation is real and


powerful. So powerful. And I I love sharing that with people.

Kalee Boisvert:

Yeah, it really is. And like, when you were

Kalee Boisvert:

talking about vision boarding, I did think about how powerful is

Kalee Boisvert:

for young people. Like if you have kids, get them involved,

Kalee Boisvert:

have them do their own. When I did mine, I had my daughter do

Kalee Boisvert:

hers. She was like five at the time. It was so funny for you.

Kalee Boisvert:

Yeah, it was like a giraffe and things like that she was putting

Kalee Boisvert:

on Yes.


Yeah. Like kids. That's when the Sears catalogs are out.


Let me date myself. Yeah. And they cut out toys that they


wanted, right? It's an activity you can do like, annually or


quarterly because things changed. And you can do it with,


you could do one separately, and then you can do married couples,


I think that's a really good tool to do. What do we want to


have together? Yeah,

Kalee Boisvert:

I think, yeah, it's a good idea for couples to

Kalee Boisvert:

come together and decide, and essentially go into that. Yeah,

Kalee Boisvert:

it talks about your goals and your future and planning. And

Kalee Boisvert:

that's such a big piece of a partnership that you guys want

Kalee Boisvert:

to know, you know, what do you want? And what do we want? And

Kalee Boisvert:

how can we get there and, and support each other in the

Kalee Boisvert:

partnership and doing that? I love it. And then, what else was

Kalee Boisvert:

I gonna say, oh, manifesting that to like, can we can you

Kalee Boisvert:

kind of describe a little bit more to people about

Kalee Boisvert:

manifesting, like just people that this is newer to or maybe a

Kalee Boisvert:

little bit, you know, less familiar with some of these

Kalee Boisvert:

concepts, like when we're talking about manifesting, you

Kalee Boisvert:

know, what does that mean? How can we actually be living that?


Okay, I want to give you this example of what


happened to me is just like, and I'm glad you asked me that,


because I really want to talk about it. Because I don't know


if you remember, there was a movie with a Star Trek movie and


this actor that was in the movie, he got crushed between


his vehicle and a post and he died. And I'm like, how does


that happen? Like, I don't understand that. And no word of


a lie. Two days later, I'm out in the middle of a field, I was


setting up for this display. I set up when parked my car,


forgot to put it in park, and I got out and my car was sliding,


moving towards the car beside me. And I decide I'll get in


between it and push it away. Right and I'm like, push a


moving vehicle out of the way. I got trapped in between these


vehicles. I in a middle of a field in the small town,


nobody's around. I call for help two men come from one way. One


man pushes a car and the other man puts it in part. And I'm


able to like push this away because I'm trapped between


these two vehicles. He pushed away these other women that


Hermes Yellin And I didn't even I wasn't panicked. I would just


help. Excuse me, so many come to me. And these other women came


from another side and they're like, do you need to go to


hospital and this was me as I was like, No, I'm an emerge


nurse. I'm okay right. I turned around and these other men are


gone. Like, like gone. I want to thank them. Like I totally


believe in Earth Angels. I believe that you know, and And


because I asked, How does this happen, and I let go of


expecting to know how I happen, you know, if, if you want your


day, if you want to, like setting your intentions are


really good to manifest. But when you want something to just


say, Okay, I want that dream house, I don't know how I'm


gonna have it. But you got to believe like I said in your


soul, you're gonna get it, you don't know how you're gonna get


it like it was it was the finances. If you're supposed to


go on this path. I don't know how I'm gonna do it. I've never


really thought of that before. But you just believe that that's


your path. And then it just happens. So being crushed like,


careful what you ask the universe, because they're going


to show you like this man getting crushed and killed. They


showed me I actually dented my vehicle with my hip because it


was on an angle. I tinted my vehicle with my hip and the


other woman's with my backside. And I'm like, you go to an


insurance company and they ask how did you didn't your car,


they kind of laugh at you when you say it's your but but but


honestly, manifesting is, you just it comes from belief,


faith, right mass consciousness, and we believe this world is


amazing. mass consciousness has nothing but it has to come to


you. Like I said law of gravity Law of Attraction manifesting if


you believe it's going to be a great day. I don't know, what


was your daughter's, it's like when they wake up grumpy. It's


just like, can you go back to bed and wake up on the other


side, right? It's like, they get to creep. If you think I even


tell my boys today when they're grumpy. I'm just like, I just


have to give them a look now and they know that this is a talk,


I've been talking for the growing up, right? I just give


them a look. And they're like, Okay, it's not that bad. Or I


created that or, you know, look around. And if it's a mess, and


you think, Okay, did I attract this? Sometimes looking in the


mirror is a hard thing. But and because we'll get the reflection


that is really in your heart and your soul. So you get to again


choose and you get to manifest. It's just coming from faith and


hope and trusting that it's coming.

Kalee Boisvert:

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And it does work both

Kalee Boisvert:

ways. Like, it's if you're thinking and talking about what

Kalee Boisvert:

you don't want, or it's like, Oh, why do I attract men that

Kalee Boisvert:

are you know, this, this and that. And then guess what, you

Kalee Boisvert:

get a whole bond in your dating life, or with money just

Kalee Boisvert:

deciding, like, people are like, I'm not good with money, and,

Kalee Boisvert:

you know, money, it never works out. For me in investing, I'm

Kalee Boisvert:

always, you know, it doesn't work and I lose money. And it's

Kalee Boisvert:

just so weird, because I see the difference in clients where they

Kalee Boisvert:

have a very more positive money mindset. And then ones that have

Kalee Boisvert:

more of that negative kind of over a view of what their

Kalee Boisvert:

financial situation is. And you see, the results are so

Kalee Boisvert:

drastically different. And you're like, wow, how impactful

Kalee Boisvert:

that is to say, Okay, I need to focus on what I want more of, if

Kalee Boisvert:

I want wealth and abundance, and that's the goals and dreams then

Kalee Boisvert:

you need to say, that's your focus, not, oh, I just like, you

Kalee Boisvert:

know, I keep getting bills, and there's just an endless stream

Kalee Boisvert:

of, you know,


vices, scarcity, right? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So

Kalee Boisvert:

manifesting in that way, I did it like in my

Kalee Boisvert:

business. And I didn't know at the time I was doing it because

Kalee Boisvert:

I wasn't really aware of these kind of ideas and concepts. Like

Kalee Boisvert:

when I first started as a financial advisor, but I had

Kalee Boisvert:

this notebook where I would write like, the day before,

Kalee Boisvert:

like, like, in the evenings I would write in it of what I

Kalee Boisvert:

wanted to see happen. Like, if it was a meeting, it would be

Kalee Boisvert:

like, I want this meeting to go well and you know, I want this

Kalee Boisvert:

to happen. I want to have you know, referrals just come to me

Kalee Boisvert:

and not be like, me having to be out there and my doing or

Kalee Boisvert:

anything like that. And, and I would write like all these

Kalee Boisvert:

things down like very specifically and then they would

Kalee Boisvert:

just happen I was like, this works and so I would just keep

Kalee Boisvert:

doing it. I had like a little notebook. And yeah, I didn't

Kalee Boisvert:

even know at the time that that's what I was doing that I

Kalee Boisvert:



manifesting. Yeah, it's a powerful tool and you know, so


like you said so many people, we do it unconsciously really, when


we think of you know, the the negative stuff then more of that


comes right Oh, so it's like the sky it never works or you know,


those limiting beliefs about money Money doesn't grow on


trees, right, those things. So then we get more of that so it


is a lot. Let's go full circle back to the mindset, right. You


have to believe that you are of abundance if you make can make


$1 You can make a million dollars you we really can we


just have to trust that belief that you know, oh, Yeah, this is


easy peasy. It really is. It's just your mindset and


manifesting, it kind of goes, they all go they both go hand in


hand for sure.

Kalee Boisvert:

Yeah, definitely. Yeah, yeah, that you

Kalee Boisvert:

need to have both and be conscious and aware of both. Um,

Kalee Boisvert:

so you do some work with like Reiki as well and the Kashuk

Kalee Boisvert:

records, do you want to share a little bit about that with

Kalee Boisvert:

listeners and just kind of what that means and what they might,

Kalee Boisvert:

what people get out of that if even combining I guess, the two

Kalee Boisvert:

and how they work together.


I should do the two together a lot now. Because the


Akashic records is just souls library. And I had heard about


the Akashic records a decade or more ago, and I never really


delved into it till, you know, again, 2020, Mark, 2020,


beginning and COVID, like really has been an awakening for me,


and my own enlightenment. That's why I created the light in your


life. It's like, we need to, like, look inside. So the Kashuk


records when it's just souls libraries, like, what do you


what were our pastels like, and then Reiki people are starting


to understand a little bit more about Reiki, again, healing


energy. I mean, I did healing touch back in the 80s. When I


was nursing. I know I, I knew it works. And but I no idea was


like Reiki, what I was kind of doing. So I'm coming full circle


in my life, when I look back on my past is quite the stepping


paths that I talked about in the beginning. So the two together


being in the records, your it's really your higher self, you


know, really your master teaching loved ones, people that


like the universe really speaking to you where you've


been, and some people will believe it, some people won't.


And that's okay. It really is. Their souls path, whether they


choose to, again, back to family, they have no idea what I


do, right, they don't get me and that's okay. And I used to think


I was a black sheep in the family. But really, I'm this


bright light that's just shining. And if they're not


ready to see it, and they want to keep their blinders on,


they're okay, I'm okay with that. But combining the Reiki


and the Akashic records, it helps heal your energy, our


bodies are amazing, just like that mind is, our bodies can


heal themselves, they really can. And when you're in the


cache of records, that it's having that knowledge from above


to just put the two and two together, it's just a beautiful,


magical place where, you know, we come in alignment with our


souls come into peace, and we come into balance. And that's


where this whole world situation is coming to us just like


getting back to who we really are inwards and center looking


outwards. So I really enjoy all that I do. And again, like you


said, you want to attract, I just put it out there, the


people that are supposed to come to Me will come to me. I'm all


about that. I'm very much organic, right? I set my


intentions are what I want in my life. And I have my own little


healing room. It's called the hidden gem and I just, it's Oh,


it's my, it's my magical place is my sacred space for my



Kalee Boisvert:

Beautiful, beautiful. And what about with

Kalee Boisvert:

people that just like we're saying, you know, what your

Kalee Boisvert:

purpose and you know, this is your life, and you get to really

Kalee Boisvert:

be in the driver's seat and choosing, and the idea of like,

Kalee Boisvert:

what does your soul want? Like, if you find if people are out

Kalee Boisvert:

there, hearing that question, knowing it's a really big

Kalee Boisvert:

question and just going like, kind of feeling like at a loss,

Kalee Boisvert:

like just I don't know, like, what does my soul want? How do I

Kalee Boisvert:

connect? How do I know? If what comes up is actually indeed my

Kalee Boisvert:

soul talking? Or, you know, yeah, that inner guidance, or is

Kalee Boisvert:

it just sort of in the moment or something else that's influenced

Kalee Boisvert:

me, like when we talk about, you know, what does your soul want?

Kalee Boisvert:

I think everyone wants to figure that out. But how do we get

Kalee Boisvert:



Another great question, like, um, so the Kashuk records


will totally tell you that, like, you can ask any question


you want when you're in the Kashuk records, and you need to


be with someone that has trained in the Kashuk records, which is


really important as a lot more people are coming into cash


records before the casual records really were only


obtainable by like Buddha, like really high spiritual people.


Now it's us that are coming into consciousness, right? It's not


just not a 3d world. But one way to really know if you're in


alignment with your soul, is how you feel like if you don't get


into the Akashic records, how do you feel I help my clients. If


you feel good, you're in alignment with your soul. Like


if you're just having this best day, you know, you're totally in


alignment with your soul. If you're feeling bad, right, it's


just like, Hmm, why am I feeling Looking back, and sometimes it's


not even your stuff. It could be maybe your boss's stuff, maybe


your partner stuff and just like and the words I share with


people just like if it doesn't feel like yours, and I encourage


people say, Return to Sender with consciousness and love,


meaning you're sending whatever energy you're feeling right


there. Back to that someone, you don't even have to know who it


is. But you're just like, yeah, why am I feeling bad? That's my


my stuff. Right? And then when you return it, suddenly you have


this weight? And especially if you're maybe an empath, right?


Because I sometimes, oh, my gosh, take on other people's


feelings. And I'm just like, I'm not mad. I'm not like sad. Why


am I feeling this emotion? Right? This is not mine. And I


myself forget to return to sender because I'm just like, I


get so emotionally involved with whatever that feeling is being


an empath. So that's really important. But getting into the


into the Akashic records that I've been doing it for a couple


of years now. And really, knowing my soul's purpose has


really helped guide me to where I am today. And it will tell


you, and it's just like, Okay, where am I supposed to be in my


career? Where am I supposed to be in my relationships? Where am


I supposed to travel? This is what feels good, right? If it


really resonates you, then you got to believe that you got to


trust yourself back to that, you know, trusting having faith.


And, you know, if you feel good about it, like two ways to feel


good and bad, if it's good, you're in alignment with your


soul, if you're not, you just look in the mirror of is it


yours, you own it, and then do something about it, or return to


someone pretty simple. Really is, you know, and you know, we


have to live life on purpose. And finding that purpose is, you


know, some I know, when my kids were little, I sometimes wake up


and I was like, Oh, this is life that like it sucks, right? You


because it's like that hamster wheel and had to find something


that really speaks to your soul and, and lights your heart on


fire. And you just you can't wait to share with the world.


Right? Whatever you do. Trust.

Kalee Boisvert:

Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Because we can

Kalee Boisvert:

get in the hamster wheel. It's really easy, especially with

Kalee Boisvert:

busy schedules and lives. It's like, okay, wake up, get the

Kalee Boisvert:

kids ready, go to school, put drop them off. And yeah, you

Kalee Boisvert:

know, gotta get this done. Gotta get them here. Gotta get to

Kalee Boisvert:

work. And I have these meetings and, and you're just like data

Kalee Boisvert:

going through the list. And you don't really make time for that.


Yeah, self care is really important. When I did my


proactive coaching, I really this is a quarter really shared


self care is about giving your world the best of you, not


what's left of you. Right, you got a real, like, take care of


you first because you can't take anybody else. And if you put


yourself at the bottom of that totem pole, no one else is going


to pull you to the top unless you do it yourself.

Kalee Boisvert:

Yep. Yeah. So important. And I think as women

Kalee Boisvert:

we get caught in that position that bottom of the totem pole.


Absolutely. Yeah, well, we're nurturers, we'd like to


take care of everybody else. But if we don't take care of


ourselves, like, at the end of the day, healthy mom, healthy


wife health, healthy life, right? However you want to call


it or just healthy women, like if we're really healthy, then we


can give more, right? We fill our cup you can give from an


empty cup. So they say, No, no, really only that one.

Kalee Boisvert:

Yeah, absolutely. Well, I love this

Kalee Boisvert:

conversation. Thank you so much, Janice. I think there's lots of

Kalee Boisvert:

things that you know, people can take away. And again, it's

Kalee Boisvert:

empowering. Like it's inspiring and empowering to just, it's

Kalee Boisvert:

this reminder of like, Hey, let's go back to me internally

Kalee Boisvert:

and what it is that I'm wanting more than anything, and what am

Kalee Boisvert:

I here to do? And so I hope that listeners, that's what you're

Kalee Boisvert:

feeling from this episode, and you're inspired and you're you

Kalee Boisvert:

know, you're gonna take those steps, maybe it is go make that

Kalee Boisvert:

vision board or Yeah, or start doing, you know, the manifesting

Kalee Boisvert:

or the meditation to give yourself some more quiet time to

Kalee Boisvert:

just go into inside internal. So thank you so much. Um, if

Kalee Boisvert:

listeners want to reach out to you and find you what's the best

Kalee Boisvert:



Um, the best way really is my phone number. I'll just


give it out. It's 403 Triple 957 75 text or just give me a


call or if you can, you're welcome to just check out my


website, which is just triple W enlightened your life.ca. And I,


I give complimentary, a look peek into the Kashuk records 20


minutes. So people if they really want to kind of get a


snippet of what about their soul. Those are complimentary


and you can just go to my website again and then my


calendar is there. to talk to you just press on talk to me and


they'll be able to reach out to on my calendar. But I appreciate


the time. I appreciate allowing me to share my voice and my


passion. And this is been a blessing. Thank you so much.

Kalee Boisvert:

I love it. Thank you so much, Janice. I'll make

Kalee Boisvert:

sure we include that in the show notes as well. Thank you so much

Kalee Boisvert:

for your time for your sharing. This is a wonderful

Kalee Boisvert:

conversation. Again, I'm hoping people feel inspired and

Kalee Boisvert:

empowered and ready to just yeah, be in that be here for

Kalee Boisvert:

yourself and find out you know, what is your soul calling you to

Kalee Boisvert:

do? Awesome. Well, thank you so much, Janice. And thank you

Kalee Boisvert:

everyone for tuning into this episode. And I will catch you on

Kalee Boisvert:

next week's episode. Goodbye for now.

Kalee Boisvert:

I hope you found value in this episode. And because I'm such a

Kalee Boisvert:

proponent of taking confident action, I want to pose a

Kalee Boisvert:

question to you the listener. What is one action that you feel

Kalee Boisvert:

inspired to take after listening to today's episode? If you enjoy

Kalee Boisvert:

listening, please subscribe and share with your friends and

Kalee Boisvert:

family. Thank you so much and I will catch you next time

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About the Podcast

The Wealth and Wellness Podcast with Kalee Boisvert
To spark healthy and positive conversations around wealth and investment and create a world where nobody is limited by their financial situation
The Wealth and Wellness Podcast with Kalee Boisvert serves to spark healthy and positive conversations around wealth and investment and create a world where nobody is limited by their financial situation. This all starts with education and shifting our relationships with money. But wealth is just one piece in the equation of living our best lives, and we cannot forget about the important link between our self-worth and net worth. Join as we explore both wealth and wellness topics, with a goal of inspiring you to take confident action in all areas of your life!