Episode 79

Published on:

3rd Mar 2022

The Secrets to Building Wealth: An Encore Presentation of EP 52

This week, I am doing an encore presentation of Episode 52: The Secrets to Building Wealth.

In this episode, I am giving you the secrets to building wealth!!!...... What are they you might be wondering, well you will have to listen to find out. 

About the Host:

I am a financial professional, who specializes in helping people to achieve their financial goals.  My absolute passion is creating new possibilities in people’s lives by showing them the ropes when it comes to money. I’m here to spark healthy and positive conversations around wealth and investment and create a world where nobody is limited by their financial situation. I believe this begins with education and shifting our relationships with money. I love getting to witness people achieving their most ambitious goals and creating new possibilities for themselves and their families! 


I love your questions! Reach out to me anytime at:  

Email: kalee.boisvert@raymondjames.ca

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kaleeboisvert/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/wealthandwelln2



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Kalee Boisvert:

Welcome to the wealth and wellness podcast with

Kalee Boisvert:

me Kaylie Bob air. I specialize in helping people to achieve

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their financial goals. I have a love for all things numbers, and

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I'm passionate about financial literacy. My goal is to spark

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healthy and positive conversations around wealth and

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investment and create a world where nobody is limited by their

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financial situation. But wealth is just one piece of the

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equation of living our best lives. So join me as we explore

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both wealth and wellness topics. From your net worth to your self

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worth. Get ready to take confident action. Hello, this is

Kalee Boisvert:

Kaylee. And thank you so much for listening to this week's

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episode of the wealth and wellness podcast. Today's topic

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is very much a wealth focused topic. And I'm calling it the

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secrets to building wealth. So I'm really glad that you're

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tuning into this episode. I think it's very important,

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obviously, if I'm going to reveal some secrets here. So but

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you're welcome to tell other people about it. It's not that

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secretive. So the more the merrier when it comes to

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listening to this week's episode. So the secrets to

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building wealth, let's get right into it. So first one that I

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want to talk about is make saving money and investing a

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habit. So it's so important that it becomes second nature and a

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habit in your life, this investing, saving money actually

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putting away money for you. So just getting into the routine of

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having this ongoing saving and investing happening is so key.

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And I want to stress that you want to focus less on the

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amount, and just more on the taking action part of it. So

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because if your focus is on the amount, you might find yourself

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putting it off and making excuses. So you might say, well,

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I'll get this started. And I'll start doing this whole savings

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and investing thing that Kaylee's talking about, when I

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have more money, or when I get that raise, or, you know,

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there's so many things that we can come up with, right. But the

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key is to start now doing what you can. Anything you can if

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it's putting away $10 a month, because that's what's extra

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right now. And that's what's manageable and feasible than

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doing that. Because really, again, we're just getting into

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the taking action, and getting into the routine and creating a

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habit out of it. So when those things do happen, maybe it's

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okay, you start with a certain amount, but you do get that

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raise or you do you know, get a new job and start to make more a

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higher income, then maybe that is the time that you can adjust

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and increase but really the key. And you know that secret is

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making it a habit, just having it happen and getting

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comfortable with that ongoing investing ongoing saving. Having

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that automatic reoccurrence of savings always happening is so

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important. And specifically what that means is just base it on

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when you get paid. So if you're getting paid bi weekly, bi

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monthly, weekly, one time per month, or maybe that's just when

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you want to be putting the money away. But as a minimum I'm

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suggesting when it comes to savings and investing the

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frequency be at least monthly. So again, you can pick any sort

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of recurrence, it can be as often as weekly, but as a

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minimum if you can be putting away money at least monthly. And

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always ensure you're directing a portion of that to your long

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term savings bucket. So that financial freedom, retirement

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whatever you want to call it, but having a portion always

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being directed to that amount because it's it's so key and so

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vital. Building that long term savings amount and and investing

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accordingly. Because, you know, when it comes to financial

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freedom are retirement, which just probably not enough if

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you're relying on some of the you know, government payments

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and things like that, if that's really what you're looking at as

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your retirement income. My suggestion is, you know, make

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sure supplementing it you're growing your own again, it's

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that financial freedom, financial independence that you

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feel confident in power that you have enough and ability to, you

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know, retire even before those amounts kick in, perhaps if

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that's your goal, right? So

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making sure that that money that's being added on an ongoing

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basis, this is key to making sure it's being invested. So

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it's not just that, okay, I'm allocating, you know, this

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percentage each month to my long term savings bucket and it's

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going in on a monthly basis or BI a weekly basis or whatever

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that looks like. And then it's just sitting there as cash,

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because that's not going to get us, you know, building and

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closer to the goal. So it is important that you are

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investing. And when it comes to investing, there's so many

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options out there. So you can invest according to your

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timeframe still. So for that longer term investing, if you're

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young, and you're putting away money for your financial freedom

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goal, you can get very growth focused with that investment

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money, or with those investments, sorry, and you can

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aim for, you know, types of investments that might be a

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little bit, you know, more volatile, but in return, you're

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expecting a higher potential return from them. So, again, in

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the world of investing, there's so much flexibility, there's so

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much out there. So make sure that that money that's going to

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these different buckets, maybe once your financial freedom

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goal, maybe one saving up a down payment for a vacation property

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that you always dreamed of making sure that the types of

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investments for each of those goals is in line with the time

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horizon for that goal. And, and sort of you know where your

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expectations are, and when you need that money and how much you

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need, make sure that the investment is aligned with that.

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But again, key is that you are investing, it's not just sitting

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there as cash, because you're gonna have to put away a lot

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more money for that financial freedom goal, if it's all just

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gonna be cash coming from you, right? We want investing to be

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working for you growing, compounding, and it really takes

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a lot of the you know, the the stress off you because it's

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gonna help grow your money and build it. And you don't have to

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put away that as much because of that. So it's key that you're

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actually investing that money that you're getting the habit of

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putting away lots of flexibility when it comes to investing. So

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if you have your reservations, if you're not if you're more of

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a risk adverse person, I'm telling you, there's something

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out there for you, there's so many products, whether it's

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individual stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, exchange traded funds,

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there are so much out there that there is going to be something

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that fits with you your goal, your timeframe. So don't get

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scared of the idea of well investing, you know, it could be

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too risky, or it's, I don't know not enough about it. Again,

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those are excuses, there's something out there, there's

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something that would work for you, there's something that is

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likely lower risk, if that's what you're looking for. So

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don't let those excuses turn you away from investing completely.

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Mutual funds, I find are a great tool to utilize for ongoing

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investing, because they can be purchased in fractional units.

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So if we're getting into the nitty gritty of well, I'm

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putting away, you know, $150 every paycheck, a mutual fund is

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a great solution there because you're going to be investing

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that full $150 Versus if it's a stock an individual stock

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investment, for instance, and is trading at, you know, $92 a

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share, well, then you can only buy one, right, you can't buy

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one and a half when it comes to stock. So mutual funds are a

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great tool to be getting that full full value of your invest

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your amount put away invested. So again, just a side note or

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something to consider. Again, though, there's so many options

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out there, it doesn't have to be necessarily a mutual fund.

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And this idea of making saving money and investing a habit, it

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will check off so many boxes when it comes to personal

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finances. Because if you read the books, if you read the

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articles about investing and growing your finances, they're

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you know, you're always hearing these themes of pay yourself

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first. So you're doing that you're checking the box, you're

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doing that by by making sure you're in this habit, not trying

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to time the markets. Again, you're checking that box off,

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too, because you're putting money in and investing it just

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on an ongoing basis. Maybe it's weekly, maybe it's bi monthly,

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but you're having it go into the markets at these different

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times. So markets might be going up at the time markets might be

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going down, you're averaging in, you're buying at those different

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points, you're not trying to time, you're just getting

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invested. And it's about you know, the the time in the

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markets versus timing the markets again, it's something we

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hear a lot of as well. And again, you're checking the box,

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you're making sure that you're doing that as well, by just

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having it as a routine, a habit. It's just going in on a constant

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basis. You're not trying to find the best part to buy, you're not

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waiting on the sidelines saying okay, I'm gonna wait for the

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next crash. Because you don't necessarily know when that's

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going to happen. And you could be waiting a long time or I

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mean, you know, maybe it could happen as quick as next week.

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But, you know, what you can be sure of is that if you're

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investing in your business ongoing, you're going to get

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some of the UPS, you're going to get some of the downs, you're

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going to get some of the in between. So again, it's just

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getting into the routine, having it be a habit. And then it's

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essentially, it's on cruise control, right? It's just

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happening, it's just ongoing, investing on an ongoing basis.

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And you don't have to get too caught up in the days to the day

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to day of the markets, because they're changing every day,

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they're going up one day, they're going down one day. And

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it's just the nature of, you know, investing and that sort of

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world of investing. But if you just decide, Hey, I can't

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control that, I'm going to focus on this habit, this routine I

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have of putting money away and being diligent about that,

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that's something you can do, and you can feel really good about

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doing it. Because you are checking so many of the boxes,

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you can read any articles and, and you know, books out there,

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and they're all going to tell you to do that, right, you need

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to be putting money away, you need to be getting invested. So

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making it a habit, making it part of your routine, having on

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cruise control, having it just happen automatically, if you can

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have that setup, that's basically you know, the best

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way, right, and then you don't even have to think about it. So

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that's one of the keys to building wealth. Another one of

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the keys I want to share is about keeping it simple. And

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then really keeping it that way. So keep it simple, but then keep

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it that way. So you might start out, keeping it simple, but I

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find that people, you know, sometimes like to sort of get a

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little bit more, you know, sort of starting to move things

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around and make changes where it's again, let's if we start

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out keeping it simple, let's just keep it that way. There's

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so many options out there when it comes to investing your

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money. And I would say there's perhaps too many options.

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There's 1000s of individual stocks, mutual funds, ETFs,

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exchange traded funds, that's what ETFs are. And there's an

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array of alternative products. So you know, the list is

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endless. And oftentimes, I do see people having that

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willingness to start out keeping it simple. But then like I said,

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it's just some time, you know, and it's almost like they start

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to get bored, they're fidgety, they need a fidget toy. You

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don't need to fidget with your investments, get a fidget toy,

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my daughter loves them, they start to you start to try to

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find the next best thing, looking for something different.

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Feeling like a you know, you have to change or do something.

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So sometimes if your investments are going well, it's almost like

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we sabotage it ourselves and just go, well, I should probably

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change it, I should probably make some changes, you know,

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it's going well. And then it's not like we can just accept it,

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it's like we have to get in there and start messing around.

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So no, you don't need to do that. You can just truly keep it

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simple. You don't have to jump at, you know, these great

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investment opportunities that maybe you heard your colleague

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or your neighbor talking about that. That could be the most

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complicated thing in the world and have 50 pages of

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disclaimers. And at the end of the day, really what we're

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looking at the number is rate of return, it's really the only

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number that matters. It doesn't matter how you go that get

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there. It's just that number of well, what was your rate of

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return? If you held one ETF, just simple, you know, you you

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kept it simple, and you held one thing, one ETF, and again, ETF

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is a basket. So it's there's a variety of investments within

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it. But let's say that one holding had an 8% annual return.

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But let's say your friend, you know, they're really into the

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stock market, they have 50 different stocks, and they're

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always researching and buying and selling and, you know, doing

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a lot of sort of fidgeting, and you know, buying, selling

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changing things up and they spend a lot of time and energy.

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What matters though, at the end of the day is their rate of

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return. So you know, it doesn't matter what's inside, it's what

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you got as a as a return. So yours might look really simple.

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It's just one line item and you received your 8% annual return

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based on the numbers, where you started the year and where you

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ended the year. And let's say they had a lot going on. And

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there's, you know, a list of different investment holdings

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they have they had some great ones. And then they had some

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that went down. And at the end of the year, though, again,

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their starting number and their finishing number they had an 8%

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Return to or which path would you have rather taken the simple

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one without one investment generating 8%.

Kalee Boisvert:

Again, there's probably a variety of holdings within that.

Kalee Boisvert:

So it's not maybe one stock holding but one diversified

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investment holding or that complicated. time intensive 8%.

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Obviously you want a simple one, you don't care. You know what's

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inside, you just see that number. Hey, you started the

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beginning of the year with this. This is the ending number. It's

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an 8% return. You don't care how you got there. But you'd

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obviously rather choose the simpler path and the one with

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less of and you know, a time and energy in it as well. So I

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cannot stress enough, more complicated does not translate

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to greater returns or better investments, I think the reason

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people sort of seek these out or go after them is, well, this

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sounds really complicated. And we assume that really

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complicated means, okay, it's gonna make me a lot of money.

Kalee Boisvert:

That is not the case, simple, can generate the same and even

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better results. So let's get that out of her head that it has

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to be, you know, complicated, and it has to be a lot of time

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and energy and effort, that that that's not what correlates to

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investment return, right? It's, it's a number, it's your

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starting number, your ending number, what happens in the in

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between, is not as important. And really, if we can keep it

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simple and get that number, keeping it ultra simple, that's

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a much easier path to take. And I think everyone would agree

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that they'd rather take that path. An interesting stat I read

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was from 2003, to 2013. So that 10 year range, fidelity was

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tracking their investors, the best return numbers, so

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fidelity, especially in the US is a large investment firm and

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individual investors can have their accounts with fidelity. So

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what they found was the best investors were dead or inactive.

Kalee Boisvert:

So that, you know, goes to this comment of keeping it simple,

Kalee Boisvert:

they were keeping it simple, they were not getting antsy,

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they were not searching for the best thing. Next Best Thing,

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they were literally doing nothing. Like obviously in the

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case, especially of people that had passed away and their,

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again, their investments obviously just continued on.

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Maybe they weren't notified that the people had passed away what

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for whatever reason, but the fact that people the who were

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the best returns were from dead or inactive, again, goes back to

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the point of, you don't have to make it complicated,

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complicated, and taking a lot of action and doing things does not

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necessarily translate to better results. And all we're looking

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at is that return number that result number. So we can keep it

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simple, you can be, you know, just in a simple, easy

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investment, you don't have to have all the bells and whistles

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and you know, get the next best, you know, stock tip to have a

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successful portfolio, okay? The next seek Secret to Building

Kalee Boisvert:

Wealth is having a willingness to do the work and be prepared

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to make sacrifices. So you cannot simply have a head in the

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sand approach, and then hope that one day, when you choose to

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stop working, your finances are just going to be there and ready

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to support you on this next phase of your life. You know,

Kalee Boisvert:

that's a little bit wishful thinking, right? You do have to

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do work, and it will take action. And sacrifices also

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likely will have to be made at times. Now I don't like talking

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in the the negative sense. I'm all about, you know, positive.

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And if we're staying that way, we're welcoming more, you know,

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and we're manifesting more, and we're bringing more into our

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lives, if we can kind of see it on the positive. So I don't know

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a better way to say, you know, sacrificing, but maybe thinking

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it as

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the having to make a decision, you're going to have to make

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decisions, you're going to have to choose between this or that

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of picking one thing over the other when it comes to your

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money that is going to happen. It's not it's not simple. It's

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not, you know, earth, it's not that we can always indulge and

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go for everything we want, right? We can't have everything.

Kalee Boisvert:

But we can have we will be faced with decisions and we can pick

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one thing over another, or there will be options for us. So I

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have clients that were able to, for instance, retire as

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millionaires in their 50s. And during their working years,

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never made six figure salaries. So we always assume that to be a

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millionaire to be a multi millionaire, you have to have

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really big incomes to create that, that level of wealth in

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your life. Well, that is not the case. And I can tell you, from

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personal experience from seeing it myself that it is possible.

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You don't have to make the six figure salaries and you can

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still get to those big goals. But now you might be asking,

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well, how how is it that they do this? Well, they were

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disciplined. They were diligent with savings and how and where

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they spent their money.

Kalee Boisvert:

So that doesn't mean though, that it didn't come with a cost,

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you know, this building of their financial freedom was really

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important to them. And they always stuck with that in their

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decisions about money. So I remember talking to one of the

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this client in particular, and she mentioned that, you know,

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there was a time where their friends came to them about this

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vacation they had planned and it sounded amazing. And they really

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wanted to go, but they ran the numbers, and they just didn't

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have, you know, the money for it. Like it wasn't in their

Kalee Boisvert:

budget, they had sort of their where their money was directed,

Kalee Boisvert:

it was going to the separate buckets, and they didn't have

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that money ready to spend on this trip. And they didn't, they

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didn't believe in putting it on a visa and paying for it later.

Kalee Boisvert:

Again, that was a decision that they made. So the they had to

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decline just because it didn't fit with their budget, but

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saving for their future was their priority. So this, this

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sacrifice or this decision, it really did align with their

Kalee Boisvert:

ultimate goal. So I mean, initially, it might have felt

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like, Oh, that sucks, we can't go. But at the probably, you

Kalee Boisvert:

know, really thinking about our days later, they still probably

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felt you know good about their decision, if that's really what

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aligned with their values and goals. So to really succeed in

Kalee Boisvert:

wealth building game, you know, there likely will be areas of

Kalee Boisvert:

your life that you will have to make some important decisions.

Kalee Boisvert:

But if you do so with the intention to align your expenses

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and your savings, and this plan for your money with your goals

Kalee Boisvert:

and values, then you likely will still feel good about those

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decisions and not have any regrets. So an example of this

Kalee Boisvert:

is, let's say, your value, one of your values is adventure and

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travel. And then let's say that you recently received a bonus

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from work, so it was recently deposited into your account. And

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it's kind of like you see it in the bank account, the balance

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has gone up and you're like, wow, it's, you know, it's almost

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burning a hole in your pocket. And you're like, I need to spend

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this money. And you might be maybe browsing at the mall one

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day, and you see this fabulous designer bag and and, you know,

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you're you save yourself, you justify and say, Well, I did

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just get this bonus, they've worked really hard for it, and I

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you know, I deserve this, I should reward myself but after

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you buy it, you might still have some buyer's remorse that sets

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in right away, or maybe in the days to follow. And this is

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likely due to, in that case, the purchase not really aligning

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with your goals and values. And I'm not in any way saying that

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we shouldn't treat ourselves to the lavish, you know, a lavish

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gift every now and then and have those things because that's

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those are, those are, you know, that's good, it's, they make us

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happy. And um, you know, it is it is nice to see the rewards of

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our, our work and our efforts. But if you would have directed

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it, in this case, if you value adventure and travel, if you

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would have taken that bonus money and then automatically put

Kalee Boisvert:

it towards your travel account for or going on a weekend

Kalee Boisvert:

getaway, you might have felt a lot better about where that

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money went. So again, it's this decision making decisions. It's

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being intentional about where you're directing your money. So

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you have to be prepared. Again, I don't want to say the word

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sacrifice, but you're gonna have to, there's going to be moments

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with your money that you're going to have to say, is it

Kalee Boisvert:

this? Or is it that is it? You know, do I want it going here or

Kalee Boisvert:

there and really deciding with your values? What is most

Kalee Boisvert:

important? So yes, I love to splurge on fancy lattes. And I

Kalee Boisvert:

love having a dinner out like it's fun to go out for like, to

Kalee Boisvert:

a new restaurant. And again, it's it's a new experience, it's

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good food, it's something a lot better than my cooking. But at

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the same time, it also feels good to make my make my tea at

Kalee Boisvert:

home some mornings instead of going to Starbucks and paying

Kalee Boisvert:

the five bucks or whatever it is and and it feels good to make

Kalee Boisvert:

home cooked meals. Because in those moments, I know that the

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money that I'm not spending on on those splurging, I know it

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can be directed towards my financial freedom account. And

Kalee Boisvert:

that's an important goal of mine. So yes, there are

Kalee Boisvert:

sacrifices or decisions to make along the way. But I'm doing it

Kalee Boisvert:

in a way that's intentional. I'm saying hey, it's fun to go buy a

Kalee Boisvert:

Starbucks, but I also know when I'm drinking my at home, coffee

Kalee Boisvert:

or tea that I am excited that I'm you know, saving that money

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that I would have spent and then that money is there, extra that

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I can put towards one of those goals that I'm very passionate

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about. And that feels good too. So again, you know, I say

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sacrifices, but if you really look at it and see where it kind

Kalee Boisvert:

of falls in the whole plan of your money, it should actually

Kalee Boisvert:

feel pretty Good to be making these decisions. But again,

Kalee Boisvert:

that's part of the secret is that there's going to be those

Kalee Boisvert:

tough decisions along the way. And there's going to be times

Kalee Boisvert:

you might have to say no to things that you know, sound

Kalee Boisvert:

really fun or enticing, but they just don't align. And that

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you're, you're likely going to feel better off though down the

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line because of it.

Kalee Boisvert:

A good book I read on this topic was also the book The

Kalee Boisvert:

Millionaire Next Door. And in it the author studies,

Kalee Boisvert:

millionaires. And I found it so interesting to learn about like

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the behaviors and what they're spending their money on that a

Kalee Boisvert:

lot of the millionaires are the majority that the

Kalee Boisvert:

that they they, they studied or followed and interviewed, had

Kalee Boisvert:

been driving the same vehicle for you know, 10 plus years and

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they didn't spend a lot on these vehicles. It wasn't like the

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newest model on the lot it's that they've been driving good

Kalee Boisvert:

reliable vehicles for a long time. They're not necessarily

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living in mansions are the biggest house on the block.

Kalee Boisvert:

These everyday you know, millionaires, actual, the

Kalee Boisvert:

majority of the millionaires had amassed wealth from making

Kalee Boisvert:

sacrifices and not falling prey to that, you know, swanky car,

Kalee Boisvert:

the giant home, but directing it to their extra money towards

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their savings and investing. So it's interesting just to

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realize, I think sometimes we think that that wealthy life has

Kalee Boisvert:

to be what we see visually to and, you know, on the surface of

Kalee Boisvert:

all the stuff that you have, but that's not necessarily the

Kalee Boisvert:

reality of things, right. The reality is, they've had to

Kalee Boisvert:

decide, hey, you know, instead of buying the newest car, like

Kalee Boisvert:

I, you know, it's tempting, it's, there's the marketing,

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it's in our face, that, Oh, we need to upgrade to the next best

Kalee Boisvert:

thing. They said, Hey, I'm gonna, you know, keep my

Kalee Boisvert:

reliable vehicle, it's doing great, it's still running, I

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don't have to spend any money on it, it's already paid off. And

Kalee Boisvert:

then extra money is going into this financial freedom goal,

Kalee Boisvert:

where I can retire earlier than a lot of the people I know. And

Kalee Boisvert:

I can have a lot more freedom as a result. So again, this is

Kalee Boisvert:

different for everyone. And your goals and values are going to be

Kalee Boisvert:

different. I'm not saying one is right or wrong. But I am

Kalee Boisvert:

reminding that there's going to be moments that you do have to

Kalee Boisvert:

make some tough choices when it comes to your money. Okay. So

Kalee Boisvert:

next secret to building wealth is about being mindful of your

Kalee Boisvert:

money, knowing what you have and where it goes. So building

Kalee Boisvert:

wealth requires giving your money time and attention. And

Kalee Boisvert:

you must have an awareness of your money. One of the biggest

Kalee Boisvert:

mistakes I see when it comes to people in their money is they do

Kalee Boisvert:

not know how much they have. They don't know where it is,

Kalee Boisvert:

they don't know where it goes. They know literally nothing

Kalee Boisvert:

about their money. Like truly and if and if that's you, again,

Kalee Boisvert:

I'm not putting you down on this podcast. This is again, it's the

Kalee Boisvert:

secret. It's a learning experience. And so let's see,

Kalee Boisvert:

you know what we can do differently. So, again, we have

Kalee Boisvert:

to be mindful, we can't be ignoring it. We can't not know

Kalee Boisvert:

about it. We can't be like, I have no idea. I don't know where

Kalee Boisvert:

my accounts are I don't I have these other accounts elsewhere.

Kalee Boisvert:

I don't know what they are in, I don't know how much they are.

Kalee Boisvert:

You know, that's, that's a bit alarming. We have to know we

Kalee Boisvert:

have to have the answers to those because that's how we

Kalee Boisvert:

build wealth. How do we know if we're building? How do we know

Kalee Boisvert:

for growing our wealth if we don't even know where we are

Kalee Boisvert:

now? Or where we started? And, and I'm a mom. So this makes me

Kalee Boisvert:

think of parenting as like, you know, another example. So can

Kalee Boisvert:

you imagine if, if I took this approach, you know, if we took

Kalee Boisvert:

this approach with our children, and someone comes up to me, and

Kalee Boisvert:

it says, Hey, where's IV? And my dad IVs, seven years old. So

Kalee Boisvert:

someone's just like, hey, where is she? What's she up to? And?

Kalee Boisvert:

And this is my response, you know, I'm not really sure. I

Kalee Boisvert:

don't know. I don't know where she is. I don't know what she's

Kalee Boisvert:

doing. Um, I don't know where she's been. You know, that would

Kalee Boisvert:

be frightening. You'd be like, Oh, my goodness, um, you should

Kalee Boisvert:

probably, you know, keep a close eye on your seven year old

Kalee Boisvert:

child, but we're doing that with our money. We're not, we're not

Kalee Boisvert:

being aware. We're not being you know, conscious of, or we're not

Kalee Boisvert:

being mindful of it. We don't even know where it's going. We

Kalee Boisvert:

can't answer those questions with our money. So we need to be

Kalee Boisvert:

mindful of our money too. We need to pay attention to it. We

Kalee Boisvert:

need to take care of it just like we do with our children.

Kalee Boisvert:

And again, I have to always like, maybe give myself these

Kalee Boisvert:

disclaimers here. And I'm not saying that, you know, the cost

Kalee Boisvert:

of paying more attention to our money is you know, giving up

Kalee Boisvert:

time and attention to our children or it's like we're

Kalee Boisvert:

adding another child but I am saying, you know, we have to

Kalee Boisvert:

give it care and attention to you can love it as well. You

Kalee Boisvert:

can. You know, you can see it as important and valuable because

Kalee Boisvert:

that's important. It sends an important message to our money

Kalee Boisvert:

about that we value it that we don't just Throw it away, that

Kalee Boisvert:

we know where it is, we know where it goes, we can send love

Kalee Boisvert:

for what our money affords us, you know, it's not greedy to be

Kalee Boisvert:

thankful and grateful for what it you know, it leads to us

Kalee Boisvert:

building in our lives and creating. And this leads to a

Kalee Boisvert:

positive relationship with our money as well, which I think is

Kalee Boisvert:

so important. And for more on that money mindset, check out

Kalee Boisvert:

last week's episode. So the one before this, because that was

Kalee Boisvert:

all about money mindset. And again, it's a really important

Kalee Boisvert:

topic to discuss. So how can you be mindful with your money? How

Kalee Boisvert:

can you pay more attention, it's really just that it's, it's just

Kalee Boisvert:

giving it more time and attention, if you're giving it

Kalee Boisvert:

none. If you're not spending any time, with your money, paying

Kalee Boisvert:

attention to your money, tracking, you know, your money,

Kalee Boisvert:

where it goes, where it is, how much you have, then anything is

Kalee Boisvert:

going to make a difference. So maybe it's that you start with

Kalee Boisvert:

just making a point of going through your accounts, bank

Kalee Boisvert:

accounts, investment accounts, or credit cards, just looking at

Kalee Boisvert:

them making sure you're doing at least on a weekly basis. For

Kalee Boisvert:

instance, maybe that's your goal, seeing what your expenses

Kalee Boisvert:

are looking like, did you spend more than anticipated? Is there

Kalee Boisvert:

a category you're spending a little bit more in than you

Kalee Boisvert:

thought that you want to cut back on? Is there anything that

Kalee Boisvert:

comes up that was surprising, it can be very informal, it can be

Kalee Boisvert:

very just browsing through just seeing right, just visually

Kalee Boisvert:

looking at those numbers, logging into your online

Kalee Boisvert:

accounts, just looking. And then having that awareness, right.

Kalee Boisvert:

And it can be even more formal, though, you can create a budget,

Kalee Boisvert:

which you know, I call a cash flow statement, I like to call

Kalee Boisvert:

it a cash flow statement just to see where your money's going.

Kalee Boisvert:

You can make a big, you know, spreadsheet, you can make it on

Kalee Boisvert:

a piece of paper, you can do all sorts of things. If that's if

Kalee Boisvert:

you'd like to be a little bit more formal and use like these

Kalee Boisvert:

kind of tools. If you're a little bit more analytical, then

Kalee Boisvert:

this might even be sound like a fun task to you creating a net

Kalee Boisvert:

worth statement. So just having an idea of your assets versus

Kalee Boisvert:

your liabilities, and I break down and talk about you know

Kalee Boisvert:

what exactly that looks like on one of my episodes. I don't

Kalee Boisvert:

know, free now, like thinking which one is it? Oh,

Kalee Boisvert:

I do not remember, but it is one of it. I think I go over it a

Kalee Boisvert:

couple times. So look, take a listen to that if you want kind

Kalee Boisvert:

of a more detail of what a network statement is, and you

Kalee Boisvert:

can google it as well. But again, I stress I can't stress

Kalee Boisvert:

enough spend time in you know, taking a look, having awareness

Kalee Boisvert:

where your money is where it's going, How much money do you

Kalee Boisvert:

have? Spend time investing in your financial literacy, that's

Kalee Boisvert:

another important one for being mindful. And to do so you can

Kalee Boisvert:

just you know, you can read a book about money, you can listen

Kalee Boisvert:

to a podcast, there's so many amazing podcasts. If you're

Kalee Boisvert:

listening this episode, you're doing one right now, you can

Kalee Boisvert:

read an article, an article per week is going to make a

Kalee Boisvert:

difference in that financial literacy level that you if you

Kalee Boisvert:

feel like you want to learn more, that's going to make a big

Kalee Boisvert:

difference. It's an important to put that time and it's an

Kalee Boisvert:

important investment in yourself. Okay, so that's, it's

Kalee Boisvert:

an important key. So another sort of tip for succeeding in

Kalee Boisvert:

the money game and building wealth, what's another secret

Kalee Boisvert:

This is how I want to wrap it up, is this is just this idea of

Kalee Boisvert:

don't give up. Do whatever you can, to stay positive, and

Kalee Boisvert:

believe in yourself and the possibilities. wealth building

Kalee Boisvert:

can be slow, it can be boring. It's like watching a turtle or

Kalee Boisvert:

watching paint dry. Like literally, you know, if you're

Kalee Boisvert:

watching it too closely, or every day or, you know, multiple

Kalee Boisvert:

times within the day, maybe nothing's really happening. But

Kalee Boisvert:

you know, the key is that you want to stay positive, believe

Kalee Boisvert:

in yourself, believe in the possibility. Believe in the

Kalee Boisvert:

steps you're taking. If you're doing these actions just

Kalee Boisvert:

outlined in this podcast, keeping it simple, having that

Kalee Boisvert:

ongoing savings and investing, paying attention. Give yourself

Kalee Boisvert:

credit for doing those things because they aren't easy. We

Kalee Boisvert:

have busy lives, but to just take these simple steps that I

Kalee Boisvert:

call secrets, but they're really simple steps actually. They are

Kalee Boisvert:

really going to make the difference. It's not rocket

Kalee Boisvert:

science. Like I said, wealth building can be easy. It it can

Kalee Boisvert:

be really, you know, you can sort of have it on cruise

Kalee Boisvert:

control once you start doing these things, and it doesn't

Kalee Boisvert:

need to be something that's stressful, that's overwhelming.

Kalee Boisvert:

Don't beat yourself up about past behaviors. So if you're

Kalee Boisvert:

struggling, taking these steps and doing these things that I

Kalee Boisvert:

talked about in this episode, you're going to have to you

Kalee Boisvert:

know, move past those ideas about beating ourselves up about

Kalee Boisvert:

past mistakes we've made with money like I can't believe I did

Kalee Boisvert:

this or I made such a terrible, you know, money mistake when I

Kalee Boisvert:

bought this house and I sold it and I shouldn't have I should

Kalee Boisvert:

have waited longer I should have waited till the markets came

Kalee Boisvert:

back and it was worth more there's, there's an endless list

Kalee Boisvert:

of things you can say. And I will tell you that we're we've

Kalee Boisvert:

all made money mistakes. At least one I would say most of us

Kalee Boisvert:

plenty that we we look back on and say hey, I would have done

Kalee Boisvert:

this differently or whatnot. That's fine. It's a money

Kalee Boisvert:

lesson, right? It's not a money mistake. It's a money lesson.

Kalee Boisvert:

saying oh, I'm you know, it's too late. Now, there's no point

Kalee Boisvert:

that I hear as well or feeling like they're starting too late

Kalee Boisvert:

from people saying that again, move past that decide that, Hey,

Kalee Boisvert:

today is just let's use today as a clean slate. Stay positive,

Kalee Boisvert:

because when it comes to money, it's very easy to get negative,

Kalee Boisvert:

it's very easy to lose hope it's very easy to feel overwhelmed.

Kalee Boisvert:

But what if you had unwavering belief in yourself and a

Kalee Boisvert:

positive attitude at all times?

Kalee Boisvert:

In I took a Reiki course this past weekend, and it was just

Kalee Boisvert:

saying like, you know, just for today, I'm not going to worry

Kalee Boisvert:

just for today, I'm not going to get angry. So it's even if this

Kalee Boisvert:

seems overwhelming for me to say, Hey, be positive money all

Kalee Boisvert:

the time. What if you said hey, just for today, I'm gonna be

Kalee Boisvert:

positive when it comes to money, and where I'm at in my financial

Kalee Boisvert:

situation? And then can you say that again tomorrow, right? If

Kalee Boisvert:

it if it takes taking it step by step like that, then do whatever

Kalee Boisvert:

I take, I encourage you, although it can be slow and

Kalee Boisvert:

boring. Investing is so powerful when we allow the magic of

Kalee Boisvert:

compounding to do its thing, right. And it's it's so hard for

Kalee Boisvert:

us to conceptualize. But compounding and action is saying

Kalee Boisvert:

okay, let's say you invest $100,000, at 8%, over 10 years,

Kalee Boisvert:

it grows to 215,000 over 20 years, it becomes 460 some odd

Kalee Boisvert:

1000. If it's growing 8% per year, after 30 years, your

Kalee Boisvert:

100,000 that you didn't even add money to but grew and compounded

Kalee Boisvert:

is over a million dollars. That's amazing. Like that's,

Kalee Boisvert:

that's very powerful. And again, probably day to day, it doesn't

Kalee Boisvert:

seem like we see that progress. But if we're patient, if we see

Kalee Boisvert:

the sort of long game and that magic of compounding, it's still

Kalee Boisvert:

happening. Putting away $500 A month at 8%. So just putting

Kalee Boisvert:

away 500,000 or $500 a month sorry, at 8%. So starting from

Kalee Boisvert:

scratch, just putting away your $500 a month, after 20 years, it

Kalee Boisvert:

grows to almost 400,000 Even though you've actually only put

Kalee Boisvert:

away 120,000. But the rest was compounding right. So

Kalee Boisvert:

compounding it's like our best friend, it's like our you know

Kalee Boisvert:

it's a little it's a little money treat along the way it's

Kalee Boisvert:

working for you working for your benefit. It's like having this

Kalee Boisvert:

this invisible partner helping you out with growing your money

Kalee Boisvert:

$500 A month at 8%. That was after 20 years. So after 30

Kalee Boisvert:

years, it's become about it becomes about 750,000 Even

Kalee Boisvert:

though you put away only about 180,000. So that's the rest was

Kalee Boisvert:

compounding. It's huge. So you have to believe in the

Kalee Boisvert:

possibilities, you have to realize that that's what that is

Kalee Boisvert:

that's happening that it's possible for you as possible for

Kalee Boisvert:

anyone. It doesn't sort of, you know, discriminate and only work

Kalee Boisvert:

for certain people that that's compounding and that's the

Kalee Boisvert:

numbers of it. So that is in fact what it does. So this wraps

Kalee Boisvert:

up my secrets to building wealth. You know, if you're

Kalee Boisvert:

thinking, um, if you're thinking these didn't seem very

Kalee Boisvert:

secretive, Kaylee, cuz they call it secrets. And you're, you're

Kalee Boisvert:

just going wow, these are just a few, you know, very basic, maybe

Kalee Boisvert:

seemingly obvious. Comments. That's it. It's, you know, it's

Kalee Boisvert:

not rocket science building wealth. And the key to building

Kalee Boisvert:

wealth is really through just taking action. It's being

Kalee Boisvert:

consistent, it's being boring. There's no secret tricks,

Kalee Boisvert:

there's no need to try to get, you know, tips on some top top

Kalee Boisvert:

secret shortcuts to get there. Because, you know, you're

Kalee Boisvert:

probably going to get there just just as easily or again, the

Kalee Boisvert:

shorter easier path is maybe is likely keeping it simple. I see

Kalee Boisvert:

it happen time and again, in my business, like I said, people

Kalee Boisvert:

that you wouldn't expect to be millionaires, because they

Kalee Boisvert:

didn't make these ultra high incomes that you assume you have

Kalee Boisvert:

to make to amass a lot of wealth, but they still achieve

Kalee Boisvert:

that. So money doesn't have to be intimidating. It doesn't have

Kalee Boisvert:

to be stressful or overwhelming. It doesn't even have to be

Kalee Boisvert:

secretive. What you found on this episode, it's not that

Kalee Boisvert:

secretive. It can be easy, and it can even be fun. So I hope

Kalee Boisvert:

you enjoy this episode, and I hope to catch you Next time

Kalee Boisvert:

I hope you found value in this episode. And because I'm such a

Kalee Boisvert:

proponent of taking confident action, I want to pose a

Kalee Boisvert:

question to you the listener. What is one action that you feel

Kalee Boisvert:

inspired to take after listening to today's episode? If you enjoy

Kalee Boisvert:

listening, please subscribe and share with your friends and

Kalee Boisvert:

family. Thank you so much and I will catch you next time

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About the Podcast

The Wealth and Wellness Podcast with Kalee Boisvert
To spark healthy and positive conversations around wealth and investment and create a world where nobody is limited by their financial situation
The Wealth and Wellness Podcast with Kalee Boisvert serves to spark healthy and positive conversations around wealth and investment and create a world where nobody is limited by their financial situation. This all starts with education and shifting our relationships with money. But wealth is just one piece in the equation of living our best lives, and we cannot forget about the important link between our self-worth and net worth. Join as we explore both wealth and wellness topics, with a goal of inspiring you to take confident action in all areas of your life!